Letter: Measure Q helps the city

Meeting the fiscal needs of our city has been a challenge for many years. The city has tried to meet that challenge in various ways. In 2018, the measure to pass a tax to fix roads and bike paths garnered more than 57% of the vote, but failed because of the need to pass by two-thirds. The city has done a very good job of managing to deliver services with a lean staff and recently hired an economic director to help stimulate revenue.

The reason many people are drawn to Davis is the access to quality city services. We enjoy the green belts, recreation services and community connections. All of these are supported by taxes into our General Fund. We are now at a critical tipping point that will require us to make hard choices about what services we can offer.

I am supporting Measure Q because whenever cuts to community services occur, they affect the people that can least afford it. Young families and seniors that rely on recreation programs to bridge gaps will lose access to those services. Public safety, which is already stretched thin, will be more so. The ability to support affordable housing will become nonexistent.

Measure Q dollars will stay in our community and their use will continue to be overseen with the same rigorous public process our current revenue undergoes. Join me in voting to support a community where everyone can thrive!

Gloria Partida
Former Davis Mayor