Davis Downtown Business Association Endorses Yes on Measure Q

Davis – The Davis Downtown Business Association (DDBA) announced today its endorsement of a YES vote on Measure Q.

The DDBA believes that Measure Q is critical for the continued vitality of Davis—benefiting both local businesses and the community at large.

“Our downtown is the heart of Davis, and Measure Q will ensure it remains a thriving hub for commerce, culture, and community. The investments from Measure Q will directly benefit our local businesses, attract new visitors, and create a safer, more welcoming environment for everyone. We urge all Davis residents to join us in voting Yes on Measure Q,” said Kevin Wan, President of the Davis Downtown Business Association.

Measure Q would provide approximately $11 million/year, which is necessary for maintaining essential city services; Measure Q proposes a modest 1% increase in local sales tax (just one penny on each dollar spent on taxable goods); Measure Q funds would help the city fill potholes, repave streets and bike paths, and ensure that Davis emergency responders are able to meet our community’s safety needs.

“As a downtown small business owner myself, I understand the critical need for sustained investment in our downtown and throughout our community,” said Davis Mayor Josh Chapman. “Measure Q will provide the necessary resources to improve infrastructure, enhance public safety, and support the vibrant, dynamic community we all cherish. Voting Yes on Measure Q is a vote for the continued prosperity of Davis."

The Davis Downtown Business Association's endorsement reflects its commitment to fostering a vibrant and sustainable downtown that serves as a cornerstone of the Davis community. By supporting Measure Q, the association aims to promote economic growth, enhance quality of life, and ensure that downtown Davis remains a desirable destination for years to come.